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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Eve Before It All Begins!

Welcome to my journey! I sit and write this on the eve of my new beginning which starts tomorrow, January 6, 2010! Tomorrow starts my journey from fluffy to fit, a journey which I have been on more than just a few times in my life, but I'm pretty sure this time is going to be "it". Now, I bet your saying, "yeah right-- everyone says that, and they always fall off track and go back to their old ways", and Yes-- that has been me in the past, but tomorrow starts a new day, a new journey and a new healthier way of living, and I am happy to say that my husband will be joining me on this journey, which we all know, makes life easier at home when you are on the same page and have a "buddy" to join you on the journey. I won't have to cook one way for me and another way for him-- we'll be able to push and encourage each other along the way.

I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which for those that don't know means that my ovaries don't work like they are supposed to and cause problems in trying to get pregnant.) Having PCOS also makes it difficult to loose weight and keep it off due to some hormonal imbalances that PCOS causes as well. My husband is diabetic and will certainly benefit from a better diet which will help control his up and down blood sugar levels as well.

Now, I know there is a lot of controversy over which diets/lifestyle changes are the best and which ones are bad, so I will let you all know that we will be making a lifestyle change that will entail cutting out all sugar and basically all white foods including flour, white breads etc. (which many refer to as the Atkins Diet). If you have any negative opinions on this, please do not feel free to share those here, as this blog is intended to be a positive place to record my journey and there is not room for negative comments here, so kindly keep the negative to yourself :o) This will not be our first run at this lifestyle change, we have done it a couple times over the last 10 years we have been together, and honestly its the best "lifestyle" change for both of us given our histories and medical diagnosis' and it works for us.

So, tomorrow starts our new journey, and I'm super excited to be sharing it here! I'll be using this blog to keep myself accountable to.......well, to me and maybe just maybe my journey might help a person or two along the way. If you have personal postive experiences that you'd like to share, I'd love to hear them and if you need a buddy on your journey, please feel free to send me an email at: sheworescarletbegonias@hotmail.com and I'd be glad to give/get support from you!

The journey starts tomorrow...........tonight I bid a fond farewell to my old lifestyle and will go out with a bang.........and I'll have a scrumptious Lemon Filled donut topped with yummy icing!!