? ??????????????Valley Light? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (77 Ratings)??12 Grabs Today. 12251 Total Grabs. ???
???Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Dolphin Sunset? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (127 Ratings)??11 Grabs Today. 8646 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Island? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Still Going Stong!

Well today is day 5 and I'm still going strong! I started this on Wednesday and today is Sunday. I will tell you that the weekends at home are actully tougher for me as my weekend pattern before changing what we've been eating would be to have a sandwich or Sub.way sandwich for lunch and then an hour or two later, I'd be enjoying a sweet snack, like fruit slices or spice drops-- and now I can't have that and its hard for me to push through that candy craving. I made it through but it was tough! I don't have that problem during the week as I'm usually too busy to think about wanting that sugar fix. I think its more that I'm bored sitting watching tv, etc and thats when I want it most. (although Lord knows there is never a shortage of candies, sweets and goodies at the office I work at.....drug reps are forever bringing in candy and pastries)

I am super excited to say that on Friday (day 3) I had lost 6.4 pounds!!!! (since Weds). Thats why I love this diet/aka lifestyle change!! You see results early on and its a wonderful motivator to stick with it! Of course, now I'm a bit nervous to get on the scale tomorrow as I'm hoping the scale will have at the very least just stayed the same, not gone back up.......Tomorrow shall tell (I'm using the scale we have at work since we don't have one at home).

I need to start thinking of some exercise to incorporate in as well, however I'm faced with the challenge that I live in the mountains of NY, the roads are not in any condition to really go for much of a walk on and the past few days have been below zero in the morning!!!! Now, that being said, I'm not whimping out on the exercise portion of all this..... I know I need to do it, and quite honestly, I know I will feel better and have more energy once I do. I have a Yoga DVD and I also have the 30 Day. Shr.ed so I will just need to figure out the best time of day to get moving on it!

So, I guess thats about all to report in for now! Yeah for a 6 lb loss, its a fabulous motivator and is encouraging me to stick with it!